Hello, my name is Ernie. I am a professional web developer whom enjoys learning and creating. I am very passionate about the web industry, and have gained some pretty hefty programming skills that widely span the spectrum of internet languages. I am very excited to see what new technologies are introduced to the web, and enthusiastically looking forward to be a part of them. Here, I have showcased some of today's latest trends, such as Responsive Web Design (including mobile design), SVG Graphics, CSS(3) Transitions, and more. Above, you will see download links to my resume and latest PSD Files. Take a look around ;-)
I am currently an employed web developer. I have been responsible for creating accounting software, booking software, email marketing campaigns for different major brands, including DeWALT and Ingersoll Rand, and more. During the last few years, I have gained some outstanding design skills. Please look at my design portfolio to see the work I have produced this year. Also, I have experience in all the technologies listed above, and always looking to learn more. I built this site to showcase not only my design work, but also my programming skills.
This website came together with some basic HTML / CSS(3), CSS-Transitions, a little creative jQuery magic sauce, and some SVG Graphics. Utilizing percentages and view-width / view-height definitions, I have achieved a nicely-flowing, responsive design.
SVG is an image format with support for interactivity and animation. This specification is an open standard developed by W3C in 1999. It is also ideal for responsive web design, as they can be scaled to any size without getting pixelated. In a production environment, I would provide PNG fallbacks for older browsers. A list of compatible browsers can be found HERE. Click HERE to view list of the percentage of people still utilizing older browsers.
CSS transitions provide a way to control animations, colors, and speed when changing CSS properties (in addition to many more). Instead of having property changes take effect immediately, you can cause the changes in a property to take place over a period of time. Animations that involve transitioning between two states are often called implicit transitions as the states in between the start and final states are implicitly defined by the browser. A list of compatible browsers can be found HERE